Personalize therapy homework for each client – from one template

No two clients are the same, and it was important to Dr. Flancbaum that assignments could be personalized for each one.

Now, you can configure field visibility and labels to give clients a tailored experience

Dr. Flancbaum, of Center For Cognitive Behavior Therapy had some feedback on Reflective. He said it was important for each assignment to be tailored to each client’s need. Sometimes it was as simple as hiding some fields that were just “too much” for a specific client. (Thought Records can be a lot of work for some people!)

how to configure field labels and visibility

Other times, there was a desire to connect with the client based on language they used in session. To that end, Dr. Flancbaum wanted to edit field labels so they would be more approachable to his client, and sometimes use friendlier language.

Instead of creating 10 different versions of a Cognitive Restructuring assignment, now you can use just one assignment, tweak it, hide a field or two, change a label, and it will be personalized for each client.

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Re-configure as the client grows 

Let’s say you have a new client who’s unfamiliar with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You want to ease them in to filling out a thought record, and just want to start by having them build awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.You can hide extraneous fields that might be overwhelming for them, when they get started. But after a few weeks, you can go in to reconfigure the assignment and show those fields, when they’re ready for it.
Learn more how to configure an assignment.