Worry Journal
Template by Reflective
Best for CBT
The act of writing down worries helps externalize them, making them more manageable and less overwhelming for clients. A worry journal typically involves not only noting the specific worry but also reflecting on the potential outcomes, the likelihood of those outcomes occurring, and possible solutions or coping strategies. This practice encourages individuals to confront their worries directly, challenge irrational fears, and develop a more balanced perspective. Over time, a worry journal can help reduce anxiety by clarifying concerns, identifying patterns, and fostering a sense of control over one’s thoughts.

Share Worry Journal via the Reflective app
Share the Worry Journal with your patient with the Reflective app so they can practice between sessions. Simply enter their email, and they’ll be able to fill in the worksheet from the convenience of their phone. Get started for free!
How does Reflective work?
Share exercise with client via Reflective
Client receives email with app link and connection request
Client clicks link to download app
Client accepts your connection and exercises you shared
Client uses app to fill in exercises, gets reminders