Your journey doesn’t stop when you leave your therapist’s office.

How often does your therapist end a session by saying “I want you to spend time throughout the week thinking about what we discussed in here today” and how often is that request ignored?

Share a journal, mood tracker, thought record or more with your therapist.

Set reminders

Each activity added can be set to a customized reminder time, so you can fill them out on you schedule. Want to set a mood tracker every day, but thought distortion observation only once a week? No problem!

Customized for you

Your therapist can select assignments and activities for evidence-based therapies such as CBT, DBT, ERP, and ACT, including thought records, cognitive restructuring, and more.

Personal library

Discussed an idea in-session and want more information to read later? Your therapist can share links to videos, articles, podcasts and more that you can then access directly in your mobile app.

Crisis intervention

If you’re going through extreme depression, add crisis intervention tools to your profile, such as a safety plan, which will appear front-and-center on their mobile app.*

Available wherever

Mobile apps from the Apple App Store or Android Play Store are the best way to experience Reflective. You can also access Reflective on the web.

Privacy and security

You can choose to have activity submissions visible by your therapist or keep them private. Reflective is HIPAA compliant and adheres to strict security protocols.

*In cases of suicidal ideation please call the national suicide prevention lifeline.

Convenient and Accessible

You can use Reflective while on the go with your Android or iOS smartphone devices

  • Easy to use mobile app for Android and Apple devices
  • Native notifications remind you when to do your work, on your schedule
  • You can complete their your while confronted with situational triggers
  • Submissions are immediately available in Therapist inbox, but you control the privacy levels

Tell your therapist about Reflective

Therapists can use Reflective with an unlimited amount of clients. We are currently offering a lifetime access deal with a 60-day money back guarantee. You can help your therapist save an additional $100 by having them email us at for a coupon code.

Send your therapist a link to schedule a demo, or ask them to check out